Monday, 6 August 2012

Of course I saw it........twice.

As usual, I'm not a douchey critic that picks apart a movie. It is, after all, just that.....a movie.
There has been a lot of chatter, from both sides of the TDKR moviegoing experience, as I knew there would be from the moment that they announced that this would be Nolan's grande finale to his "Dark Knight" saga...
and here is my take on it:

I thought that it was a brilliant movie, and a very fitting end to a very impressive take on the story of "The Bat".
The manner in which the movie ends, serves as both a definitive end to Nolan's vision of who/what the Batman was, and an opening to a world of new possibilities regarding the guardian(s) of Gotham.
Nolanites seem to be holding onto the hope that Nolan will continue with his take on Gotham because of how the movie ended, by reminding us all that, at the end of "Batman begins", there was a clear spoiler about the second movie's villan. To those well intentioned folk, I shall REMIND them that, there wasn't originally going to be a second Nolan Batman flic.

I loved how the Dr points out all of the damage done to Bruce Wayne's body. This scene gives the viewer the physical reasons why Bruce can not continue like this forever...
Dr : Well, I've seen worse cartilage in knees
Bruce : That's good, right?
Dr : No, that's because there is NO cartilage in your knee, Mr Wayne, and the other one isn't much better. There's scar tissue on your kidneys, concussive damage to your brain tissue..... I can not recommend that you go heliskiing.

If you've read my last blog, you already know that I was NOT impressed with Anne Hatheway as Selina Kyle/Catwoman, and found it a difficult stretch to believe that she could be a Hard as fuck, ass kicking Cat burglar that nonchalantly backflips out of a second story window. Sorry Hatheway fans.......this was NOT the role for her.

I'll not go into a long, drawn out explanation of the movie.....I'm not THAT guy. What I will stress, is to pay attention to details, and keep an open mind.... It's Fucking BATMAN. There is so much to enjoy with this movie that, unless you do pay attention, you will have more questions than answers. It's one of those movies that you almost HAVE to see twice.
I think that I MAY do a full write up on some of the more debated points in a future blog but....... that will be after a third viewing. ;) 

One last thing, there was so much meat to this movie that the 2hr 45min run time could have been expanded to two full 2hr plus movies, and still not felt stretched.

Next review; the (un)Amazing Spiderman.

Until next time, Keep your paws outta my popcorn.

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