Sunday, 5 August 2012

My affinity for movie going, has led to new blog ideas..

No need to worry, I won't be a douchey Critic. I'm just going to talk about my view, and whether or not I liked it....... I dislike critics. ;) 

Yesterday, I used more scene points to see yet another FREE movie. If you don't have a Scene card, you should look into it. At least 1/2 of the movies I've watched in the last couple of years, have been free. Anywayyyyyyyssssss......
the movie that I went to see, was "Total Recall", with Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, and Jessica Biel.

I actually enjoyed the movie..... even with some things that seem to have dissappeared throught the post production. Where is Ethan Hawke? How did New Aisa become "The Colony"? Why does there seem to be some major character dynamic missing?
I HAVE heard that there is to be an extra 17 mins on the DVD.

I had seen the original with Arnie, so I had an idea of where it was going. Also, with it being an action movie, it had predictable plot lines but, still enjoyable. There were also a couple of nods to the original that you will only catch, if you had have actually seen Arnie's version.
"Two weeks.."
You won't have to get your ass to Mars but, you may wish you had 3 hands. 
All in all, it was a decent flic with enough action to keep a person entertained, and I WILL, see it again, albeit on BluRay. ;)
Hopefully, we are starting to witness Colin Farrell's return to acting.
One can not talk about this movie, without talking about Kate and Jessica...... These two women kick serious ass. I would like to have seen more of them beating the crap out of each other but.....
This brings me to a point that I am adamant about... either of these women would have been a far better fit for the role of Catwoman in TDKR. They can kick ass, and both fill out a skin tight catsuit very nice.
No offence to Anne or her fans but, I had a hard time believing that she was hard as fuck, able to really kick ass when needed, or do a backflip out of a second story window.
I guess you KNOW, what movie I'll be talking about next. ;)
See you in a day or two.... keep your paws outta my popcorn.

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